Episode 2

Published on:

27th Oct 2023

Navigating ADHD Medication in Adulthood - Pros, Cons, and Alternatives

Should I take ADHD medication and supplements?

This week, I’m discussing this all-important subject.

After an ADHD diagnosis, one of the first things we think about is whether or not to try medication.

This is a big topic. 

And each person is different. 

So, join me as we navigate ADHD medication in adulthood - the pros, cons and alternatives. 

I must clarify that I am a coach. I'm also somebody who takes ADHD medication. But I am not a doctor. I am not a psychiatrist, psychologist or nutritionist. None of the information in this podcast should be used to make any decisions about your treatment. Always consult with a qualified professional who deals specifically with the topic that you are facing right now.

Here are the highlights:

(3:47) The effects of ADHD medication

(10:17) ADHD medication and supplements

(16:47) Responsible use of medication

(24:17) The pros and cons of ADHD medication

Medication - explainer articles:

Main kinds of medication:


Non-stimulant medication:


New triple reuptake inhibitor medication:


Safely using Omega 3:


Fish oil or medication study:





Mehren A, Reichert M, Coghill D, Müller HHO, Braun N, Philipsen A. Physical exercise in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - evidence and implications for the treatment of borderline personality disorder. Borderline Personal Disord Emot Dysregul. 2020 Jan 6;7:1. doi: 10.1186/s40479-019-0115-2. PMID: 31921425; PMCID: PMC6945516.





Harpin, VA The effect of ADHD on the life of an individual, their family, and community from preschool to adult life, Arch Dis Child 2005;90(Suppl I):i2–i7. doi: 10.1136/adc.2004.059006


Bisset, M., Winter, L., Middeldorp, C. M., Coghill, D., Zendarski, N., Bellgrove, M. A., & Sciberras, E. (2022). Recent Attitudes toward ADHD in the Broader Community: A Systematic Review. Journal of Attention Disorders, 26(4), 537-548. https://doi.org/10.1177/10870547211003671

Connect with Katherine here:








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About the Podcast

ADHD: Powerful Possibilities from New Diagnosis & Beyond
ADHD strategies, support and research in friendly, easy to understand PG rated episodes
Welcome to a new way to look at life *AND* ADHD.
ADHD isn't just about kids in school any more. By now you've probably read a million articles or at least watched a million videos by influencers and creators.

What you're REALLY looking for are deeper insights, with a dash of neuroscience and a sprinkling of coaching and positive psychology, to discover your ADHD strengths and turn it into a doorway to real possibilities. You're probably already aware of how ADHD affects your life, career, and relationships but we won't ignore those challenges - no 'superpower' talk here without acknowledging how it can really cause problems at all ages.

I'm your host Katherine. I'm a certified ADHD coach with over 300 hours of study and qualifications from ADDCA. Diagnosed with ADHD and Autism in my early 40s, I mix my personal experience with some seriously academic, geek-level knowledge to guide you through the fog and into the clear.

I'm also known to throw in references to 80s & 90s music, sitcoms like Brooklyn99 and my rescue dogs. Clients have said I'm an ADHD nerd version of their favourite aunty - but you can make your own mind up!

This podcast is my contribution to the growing ADHD aware community, where I want your real challenges to meet real solutions, and where you can find the resources - and a friend - to help you make changes in your life without the 'think p0sitive' vibes or 'doom and gloom' extremes.

Who is this podcast for?
Although I mainly focus on adult ADHD, I'm a coach of kids age 15+ and the parent of an ADHD teen, so I know how we tend to travel in family packs!

I'll talk about children, teens and older families too - did you know that over 50s are the fastest growing demographic in ADHD? Well I'm one of you so I GET IT.

In my coaching practice I especially support women navigating life changes like perimenopause and menopause - so you're in the right place if ANY of those are your jam.

I'm ALSO a business owner who has 20 years experience of working for myself - without medication - so if you're struggling to see. how you can get things done without burning out, let's say I've bought that t-shirt a few times and am here to explain how you can avoid it.

🌟 What Can You Expect?🌟
Weekly episodes diving into topics that matter to you: What happens after diagnosis? Should you take medication? Does diet culture impact ADHD? What's happening with your consistency? Can you ever let go of the SHAME?

We'll explain and explore the big topics: Executive Function, Emotional Regulation, Time Management, and more.

Guest experts appearing at *excitingly random intervals*, offering a range of perspectives on ADHD, life, and things that will really move the needle for YOU.

Tips and strategies to not just cope, but thrive, with ADHD.

💡 Why listen to another ADHD Podcast? 💡
I know first hand the struggle AND the promise that comes with an ADHD diagnosis. There's a wealth of power and possibilities in you; this podcast is your key to unlock it.

I keep my episodes short, fluff-free and PG rated so you can listen to them out loud without worrying about random f-bombs.

Authenticity, honesty, and a love of POSSIBILITY are my core values - with a big dollop of WONDER about what you'll do next.

🌐 Stay Connected 🌐
The connection and chat doesn't stop when the episode ends. Contact me below & don't miss any of the exciting webinars & offers in 2024
but come and chat on
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/adhd_coach_katherine/
TikTok: Let's get serious (and silly) @adhd_coach_katherine
YouTube: @adhd_coach_katherine

Listen in - let's turn ADHD challenges into powerful possibilities together.

About your host

Profile picture for Katherine Sanders

Katherine Sanders